+Mitigate security understand the need of providing a secure working environmelt, particularly when a client’s worksites are geographicaly exposed. Our security solutions are based on a deep ground analysis of the requirements as well as mitigating all potential risks and may integrate static, mobile or technological security elements.
+Mitigate provides
- Security audit and diligence
- Monitoring and security analysis
- Expatriates and employees residence surveillance and protection
- Monitoring and securing travels
- Protection and security of buildings and industrial plants
- Transport of cargo and valuable goods
- Convoy protection
- Overseas events protection
- Provision of risk manager or risk officer to manage personnel or infrastructure protection
- 24/7 Tracking solutions and technologies
- Fleet tracking management system

Business case Information
A Middle Eastern edge fund based in the UAE was having a very aggressive recruitment investors policy but was unable to carry any proper due diligence in order to quickly select or eliminate the potential partners or fake time consuming others. +Mitigate has proposed a two-steps due diligence in order to save time and money to this very successful venture. Step one was a light and fast scanning due diligence to eliminate the fake ones, then, a deep diligence to analyse the selected potential partners. This was a very fruitful collaboration saving time and money by providing the right information to the decision makers.
A large renewable energy company providing solar and wind solutions and technologies was finalising a very large investment project with a multibillions Asian conglomerate of companies. +Mitigate was appointed to provide a clear picture of this potential partners as it was unclear for the company who was the stakeholders and if no political or military interests were part of this organisation. We have identified the hidden key people and governmental influence avoiding the company to move to an unclear strategy.
A major European law firm was looking to identify all stakeholders and companies or individuals connected or in connection with a large business deal and more important the potential relations between them. +Mitigate carried due diligence and investigations over few months using open and non open sources to draw a comprehensive detailed mapping of these relations using state of the art software tools to show all connections, people, organisations, meetings, history, family, hidden links. This intelligent tool clearly demonstrate unknown links and missing dots in between this multicountry complexe scheme.